2018 – A Year of International Growth
December 12, 2018
As we all scramble to get things in order before a well earned break, it is a good time to reflect on the year that has passed.

For the Hydroflux Group, 2018 has been the year of local and international expansion, record new recruitment and to top it off, a few more firsts in the water industry.
A few of the highlights from Hydroflux’s 2018 year:

With a string of contracts in Fiji already stated in 2017 and the future opportunities throughout the Pacific region, it was certainly time to provide a dedicated local presence. Hydroflux Pacific opened its doors in early 2018 and provides local access to the entire Hydroflux Group product and service offerings to industry, municipalities, whilst not forgetting resorts. The office is strategically located in Suva and is managed by Stuart Petersen.
Click here for full news article or visit Hydroflux Pacific’s website www.hydroflux.com.fj.
New Zealand

New Zealand was the second international office Hydroflux opened in 2018. The office is in Auckland and is headed by Orod Roostaee who has a wealth of experience in the New Zealand water industry.
Click to visit Hydroflux’s New Zealand websites:
Industrial www.hydrofluxindustrial.nzMunicipal www.hydrofluxepco.nz and Aftermarket www.hydrofluxutilities.nz
Hydroflux’s growth in Australia in 2018 was substantial. Our engineering capacity has more than doubled in Sydney thanks to a number of significant projects, many from long term regular customers. Down south, Hydroflux’s new larger office in Melbourne shows our firm commitment and higher level of support for our Victorian customers.
ISO & ANZ/NZ Certification

Having run OHS, QA and Environment Management Systems for many years, 2018 saw Hydroflux receive official recognition of our Integrated Management System (IMS) with Hydroflux’s Australian entities receiving independent accreditation. These internationally recognised accreditation’s include ISO 9001:2015, OHSAS 18001:2007, AS/NZS 4801:2001 & ISO 14001:2015. Hydroflux’s New Zealand office is next with accreditation due in the next few weeks.
Click here for full news article.
International Projects Abound

It certainly has been a busy year internationally with projects spread all over the Pacific Islands. Of particular note in the Western Province of PNG Hydroflux are building a 1000EP RoadTrain® STP plant for the township of Kiunga (look the town up if you want to see what “remote” means!). This will be the ninth EPCO plant for OK Tedi. Hydroflux has also completed a number of RoadTrain® and MBR plants for resort islands around Fiji including Lukuliku, Malolo and Matamanoa in the Fijian Mamanuca group of islands.
Click here for full news article on Lukuliku Resort WWTP. And not forgetting Industrial Wastewater – Hydroflux is just in the final stages of completing a 1.5ML/day abattoir WWTP in Viti Levu – the main island of Fiji for a global regular customer
Click here for full news article.
Exclusive Access and Larger Territories:

Hydroflux’s portfolio of advanced water and wastewater technology increased in 2018 with the securing of exclusive access to MENA Water’s Advanced Packaged Potable & Process Water and Wastewater Systems and the securing of the HUBER Technology into new Zealand.
Click here for full news article.
And 2019? Well keep following us as there is a lot in the pipeline and a perhaps a few surprises as well
Hydroflux extends its grateful thanks to our customers, subcontractors and staff who have shown us nothing but trust and loyalty this last year.
Merry Christmas to you and your families. We hope you enjoy the holidays and look forward to working with you again in the New Year.
Up Next
A Nation of Rivers Where Water is Scarce
Protecting Ballarat South WWTP’s Sludge Processing Plant
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